Tipo de vaga
LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Fí­sica Experimental de Partí­culas, Av. Gama Pinto, 2, 1649-003 Lisboa, Portugal
Válido até
July 31, 2023

spac @ lip.pt

Position title
Administrative Assistant in Research Management (IEFP ATIVAR.PT internship)

The <strong>Social Physics and Complexity Lab</strong>, at the Laboratory of Instrumentation and Experimental Particle Physics (LIP), is recruiting an administrative assistant in the area of  Research Management. The selected candidate will be hired through an <strong>internship in the scope of the program ACTIVAR.PT</strong>, promoted by Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional (IEFP) and candidates should fulfil the <a href="https://iefponline.iefp.pt/IEFP/medida/estagioemprego/descEstagiosAtivarPT.jsp">required criteria</a>.

The recruited candidate will integrate a multidisciplinary and diverse research team and a collegial and collaborative environment.


The candidates must have completed a <strong>Bachelor degree or another higher education degree</strong>, in areas such as administration, accounting, management, human resources, international relations. The candidates might also come from an educational background closer to the scientific scope of the project.

Data de início
15.09.2023 (previsto)
Informação adicional

More information <a href="https://socialcomplexity.eu/pt/job/vaga-para-assistente-administrativo-a/">here</a> (in Portuguese only), or please contact <a href="mailto:spac@lip.pt">spac @ lip.pt</a>.

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