In this exhibition we asked you to classify 10 statements as true or false. Here you can find more information about them.

Statement 1: Sniffing rosemary increases human memory by up to 75%

FALSE: While there is some evidence that smelling rosemary may improve memory performance, such an effect has only been shown in a few studies with small samples. There is no basis for an improvement of 75%.

Sources: link 1 and link 2

Statement 2: Bacon Just As Harmful As Cigarette Smoking!

FALSE: The evidence supporting the connection between processed meat consumption (such as bacon) and cancer development is as strong as the evidence supporting the connection between smoking and cancer. However, smoking has a much higher cancer risk than eating processed meat.

Sources: link 1 and link 2

Statement 3: Receipts with easily erasable ink contain cancer- and infertility inducing substances, study finds

TRUE: Easy-to-erase receipts contain bisphenol A (BPA). BPA is a chemical widely used in the materials industry and found in products such as water bottles or food cans. After having high exposure to this chemical, people may experience hormonal imbalances and diseases such as infertility, obesity, or cancer in hormone‑dependent organs.

Sources: link 1 and link 2

Statement 4: Sleeping Too Little in Middle Age May Increase Dementia Risk, Study Finds

TRUE: A study with almost 8000 participants found that sleeping 6 hours or less per night when in one’s 50s or 60s leads to a higher risk of developing dementia later on.

Sources: link 1 and link 2

Statement 5: NASA Confirmed That Earth Has A New Moon

FALSE: In 2016, NASA reported that a new asteroid was discovered accompanying the Earth. While this asteroid is following the Earth’s orbit, it is not technically a moon for multiple reasons. It is also not the first asteroid to follow us; as of 2016, we already knew of five other asteroids in the same condition.

Sources: link 1 and link 2

Statement 6: Bermuda Triangle mystery SOLVED: Scientists discover killer 170MPH AIR BOMBS in Atlantic

FALSE: Despite its fame, there is no evidence showing that the Bermuda Triangle has an abnormal number of plane crashes or shipwrecks. It does have a lot of traffic, but even then, it does not enter the top 3 zones with more shipping incidents, for example.

Sources: link 1 and link 2

Statement 7: Galileo Project: scientists to search for signs of extraterrestrial technology

TRUE: A Harvard research team has indeed created the Galileo project in 2021. In contrast with other projects that aim to find life outside earth but look, for example, for biomarkers in the atmosphere (assuming non-intelligent forms of life), the Galileo project aims to find extraterrestrial life through signs of advanced technology.

Sources: link 1 and link 2

Statement 8: Worms Frozen for 42,000 Years in Siberian Permafrost Wriggle to Life

TRUE: In 2018, Russian scientists successfully defrosted worms that started to move and eat. They were taken from a permafrost sample with 30,000 to 40,000 years.

Sources: link 1 and link 2

Statement 9: Unintentional drug overdoses due to synthetic opioids become No. 1 cause of death among US adults, ages 18-45

TRUE: Unintentional drug overdoses due to synthetic opioids were the leading cause of death among US adults, aged between 18-45, according to data from 2020 and 2021.

Sources: link 1 and link 2

Statement 10: Hubble Pins Down Weird Endoplanet with Far-Flung Orbit

FALSE: Hubble did detect a planet with a far-flung orbit, but it was a planet outside our solar system (i.e., it is an exoplanet).

Sources: link 1 and link 2